Write a function that reverses the order of the words in a string.( Words not the individual charecterS)
For example, your function should transform the string “Do or do not, there is no try.” to “try. no is there not, do or Do”. Assume that all words are space delimited and treat punctuation the same as letters. Just for variety, solve this problem in C, not Java or C#, and assume that you’re only dealing with ASCII characters that can be safely stored in byte arrays. You probably already have a pretty good idea how you’re going to start this problem. Because you need to operate on words, you have to be able to recognize where words start and end. You can do this with a simple token scanner that iterates through each character of the string. Based on the definition given in the problem statement, your scanner will differentiate between nonword characters - namely, the space character - and word characters , which for this problem are all characters except space. A word begins, not surprisingly, with a word character and ends at the next nonword character or the end of ...