We often create shortcuts for program/documents on Windows desktop. This is a two step process. In step 1 we right click on the desktop and select ‘Create Shortcut’ from the menu that pops up. In step 2 we select the file for which the short is to be created. At times we may want to do this procedure programmatically. Here is the program which, shows how this can be achieved. When we execute the program a dialog box shown in Figure 1 pops up. Figure 1. First we need to select the file for which shortcut needs to be created. This can be done by clicking the ‘browse’ button in the dialog. When we do so the function OnButton1( ) gets called. This function pops up a file dialog and permits the user to select a file. The selected file name and complete path is then retrieved using the functions CFileDialog::GetFileTitle( ) and CFileDialog::Get-PathName( ) . The selected file name is then displayed in the edit box of dialog shown in Figure 1. ...